"Ten Years after the Financial and Real Estate Crisis - Is the Next Crisis Around the Corner and Where Will It Come From" by Prof. Stijn VAN NIEUWERBRUGH

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 21:00-22:00, ONLINE
Speaker(s): Prof. Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh from Belgium, Phd of Stanford and currently professor of real estate and finance at Columbia University, will speak about "Ten Years After the Financial and Real Esta
  • David RYCKAERT

To take part in this meeting, which takes place as an interactive video-conference, click on the following link: http://zoom.us/j/734603333.  Reading materials :
- interview in de Standaard: "We zitten heel dicht bij een crisis" - link: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Akp2EsYv40MmgdcVYj5WaWoZ-XXAMQ ;
- Slide show "Ten years after the crisis – the role of real estate and what's next? - uiteenzetting aan NYU – Stern – link: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Akp2EsYv40MmgdcW93XwDfExMLOZWw .
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail to david.ryckaert@laurius.be at the latest by noon on 14 May 2019.