A few grams of Artemisia- a game changer in the fight against malaria.

Donnerstag, 13. April 2023

A few grams of Artemisia- a game changer in the fight against malaria.

On Tuesday 18th April, the E-Club Rotary Belgium Passport 1 is organizing a Zoom Conference at 9 PM CET on the subject: A few grams of Artemisia- a game changer in the fight against malaria.

We are honored to invite Doctor Lucille Cornet-Vernet, President Founder of Maison de l’Artemisia which missions are twofold:

- Accelerate research into Artemisia herbal tea, an ancestral treatment for malaria;
- Oversee its dissemination in malaria endemic countries through local Houses of Artemisia, local centers of expertise which coordinate knowledge and distribution of the plant.

Malaria still is the primary cause of death from infectious diseases causing up to +600 000 deaths each year, of which 80% children under 5 years and records 241 million cases in 2019 according to WHO figures, 95% out of Africa (*).

3 billion people live in malaria infested areas and specifically for overall Africa, has an estimated cost of 1.7 growth points. (*) World malaria report 2020

During that conference, Lucille Cornet-Vernet will tell us about her personal engagement “TO CARE BEYOND HERSELF” in the deployment of Artemisia as a complementary solution against malaria. You may connect automatically on Tuesday 18th April by clicking on that link and feel free to share this opportunity to listen to an inspiring story

In case of technical issue to connect:
Meeting ID: 886 819 9476
Passcode: 532110