"Vision on Rotary of the Future" by Bernard ROSEN

Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2020 21:00-22:00, ONLINE
Referenten/innen: Bernard ROSEN, Rotarian since 1984 was Governor of D 2170 (2001-02), member of the Rotary Board from 2007 to 2009 and treasurer of Rotary International in 2008-09.

Invitation to join our club meeting via Zoom with guest speaker Bernard ROSEN.  Tuesday October, 27th. from 21:00 - 22:00 hours Rotary E-Club Belgium 1 Passport

See "Rotary Contact" nr. 432 (October 2020) for an interview with Bernard 

The digital version of "Rotary Contact" is available at https://www.rotarybelux.org/en/home